The catch-22 with lash treatments is that cleansing your lashes daily is more important than ever, however, finding a product that will keep your new lashes in tact while also keep them clean and unirritated is tricky. First, things first, wait 24 hours until touching your lashes with any product (makeup or otherwise). When cleansing, look for an oil-free product (oil breaks down the chemicals used in extension glue and lash lifts). Most importantly - look for a water-based cleanser that is also alcohol-free and fragrance-free (two well documented eye irritants) as your eyes are particularly vulnerable to allergens and will easily sensitised when you've had a treatment like this. Something as simple as possible will do the trick. Ideally you'll want to cleanse every evening as the last step in your routine and, if you can, first thing in the morning.
Using fingers or cotton pads alone is likely not thorough enough. Try to use either a clean cotton bud dipped in the cleanser like a toothbrush gently over the lash line (keep your eyes closed!) or try use a lash cleansing brush with the cleanser.
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